Flow to Grow - program stażowy w KEMIRA Gdańsk | Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Data dodania: 2022-02-21

Flow to Grow - program stażowy w KEMIRA Gdańsk

Flow to Grow

Flow To Grow is an unique Kemira Gdańsk program dedicated to students who are willing to get more experience and plan career goals.

We encourage you to join Flow To Grow program and make your studies more:

    • interesting
    • your future career related
    • developing your skills
    • full of experience
    • empowering your talents and potential

You will participate in professional workshops (SAP, communication, project management skills etc.), make the team project, learn about working in global company and develop your abilities. All of above confirmed by Kemira Flow To Grow Certificate.

Flow To Grow will help you also to complete obligatory practice.

Spotkanie online zaplanowane jest na 1 marca 2022 (wtorek)
w godz. 13.00 – 13.50.

Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w spotkaniu, proszone o kontakt mailowy

z dr Edytą Drajską : Edyta.Drajska@zie.pg.gda.pl

88 wyświetleń