Host institution

Supervision: Prof. Edgardo Sica
Time of the visit: 15th March 2024-18th July 2024
Short project description:
The project: Sustainability transitions: role of trade, technology and CO2 SUNSETT aims to establish a new cooperation between Gdańk Tech and University of Foggia. The project is in line with the strategic goals of Gdansk Tech scientific development, in particular with the EcoTech Centre. Main activities relate to the analysis of social acceptance for innovative technologies and building new economic models to support sustainable development. The project focuses on social, economic and environmental impact of international trade and new technologies.
The changing nature of international relations requires rethinking, mainly in terms of (i) the impact of international trade and production fragmentation on employment, society and the environment, (ii) the need to adjust the responses needed on economic policy grounds. The main goal of the SUNSETT project is to deepen the understanding of the role played by trade openness, new technology, among them intangibles assets and a new paradigm of environmental protection (CO2 emission) for growth and sustainable development. This will be possible by developing advanced quantitative methods to measure not only product/intermediate goods but also knowledge flows. The research will be conducted primarily at the microeconomic level (i.e., the firms-individuals that ultimately determine the organization of international production), international input-output tables, CO2 input-output tables. The special emphasis will be put on Europe – China relations, as China being considered a “word factory” is a very important player in the global arena.
SUNSETT will (i) explore the interactions between tangible and intangible flows between sectors and countries, (ii) provide new ways to analyze the social, economic and environmental impacts of international trade flows, (iii) to analyze how trade openness and international production fragmentation affects CO2 emissions; and (iiii) assess the resilience of international trade and global value chains to external shocks (e.g. COVID, wars).
If you with to get more information, please contact me directly
Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz