Przemysław Ciernioch, BIOWAY, owner

- What is your biggest success? What do you think, what have the greatest influence on it?

My greatest professional success is creating my own brand – BIOWAY. I think I owe it careful observation of changes taking place in our surroundings and everyday consistent work. I’m not afraid of challenges and many failures I experienced didn’t discourage me to take a risk.  Failure is an inevitable element of every action – that what counts is positive balance between successes and failures. I realized I’m not “remarkable” at any discipline, my main power is in my versality. Individual skills and special solutions you can always buy.

When you think “University of Technology/Faculty of Management”…

I associate Gdansk University of Technology with practical approach towards the problem solving and possibility to experience knowledge rather than learning by heart.

- What is your advice for your younger colleagues – current students of our Faculty?

My advice is: start work in the area you are interested in as soon as possible. At the beginning of your career, especially during the studies, it is not important if it is well-paid job. The most important is that is work you are interested in. Usual professional career lasts for many decades. If you want to be good at something, you need to (at least) like it, be interested in, and the best – love what you do. In the other case it will be hard for you to last  for a long time.