Anna Bastek, owner of Wolfestone, Voicebox, Confidimus, real estate investor, inspiring lecturer, vegan, thriatlonist, vice-president Exporter Assocciation, awarded by UK government.
What is your biggest success? What do you think, what have the greatest influence on it?

My greatest success was creating (during only few years) business imperium, which is now worth millions of pounds. I did it in foreign country, in foreign language. My success is also over 30 awards for my business activities (ex. Director of the Year in UK, Woman of the Year). UK government appreciated and awarded my activity as “good practice” in the area of entrepreneurship - encourage young people to start their own business. I got Prince Charles’and Prime Minister recognition. At last - my success is also being lecturer, speaker, who inspires other people.

Everything I have now I owe my hard work, determination, not giving-up and constant personal development. My father told me that the worst thing is to be average – you should be the best or the worst one. I took it very serious. Unfortunately, he couldn’t share my joy of graduation or move to United Kingdom.

I also train hard to be ‘iron man’ – woman, who manages finish the triathlon (4 km swim, 180 km ride and 42 km run) in less than 16 hours.

When you think “University of Technology/Faculty of Management”…

I associate my Faculty with exams, teamwork, projects, with parties at ‘Kwadratowa’ club, great people, who I’m still in touch with.

What is your advice for your younger colleagues – current students of our Faculty?

Believe in yourself and go out of/leave your comfort zone, still learn and develop yourself. Don’t believe in restrictions and borders, don’t listen to pessimists. Create challenges for yourself to check what is possible. Read inspiring books, listen inspiring lecturers and you will know what are you looking for and how to achieve it.