
The aim of the GUT Faculty of Management and Economics Working Papers series (hereinafter: GUT FME WP) is to disseminate the results of scientific research conducted by employees of the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology (and / or people associated with the Faculty of Management and Economics of GUT). GUT FME WP Series A covers work in the field of economics, management and statistics.


The GUT FME WP Series A series is indexed by the following databases:

Guidelines for authors

  • As part of the GUT Faculty of Management and Economics Working Papers series (hereinafter: GUT FME WP), authors can publish the results of their original research ('research in progress') before submitting them for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals, books, etc. Thus, GUT FME WP is the so-called 'Pre-print (definitions of what a preprint is according to Sherp, according to Elsevier) and can be directed for review / publication in other publishing series (more on this below).
  • GUT FME WP may be cited, therefore papers containing only preliminary and incomplete test results should not be submitted.
  • The submitting Authors may be employees of the Faculty of Management and Management and / or persons associated with it - e.g. participants of research projects conducted in cooperation with the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, participants of conferences organized by the faculty, etc.
  • Thematic scope of GUT FME WP Series A: economy, management, statistics. There is no preference for a specific area of ​​research in this area (works covering all JEL codes, both theoretical and empirical, are accepted).
  • The series includes articles in English.
  • GUT FME WP are not reviewed and do not have MNiSW points, however, they are indexed by bibliometric tools that allow you to generate citations (see Indexing).

Authors' Responsibility and Copyright

  • Each Author is fully responsible for the content, form, linguistic and stylistic correctness of the submitted text (with the awareness that the full-text PDF version of each submitted GUT FME WP will be publicly available on the FME Gdańsk Tech website (http://www.zie.pg.gda.pl/ working-papers and indexed by selected databases).
  • Submitting a text to the GUT FME WP series is the same as the declaration of the Author / Authors that the scientific work was prepared with the principles of scientific correctness and reliability in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Researchers and all responsibility resulting from the obligation to respect copyright rests with the Author / Authors.
  • The works published in the GUT FME WP series are provided with a copyright clause and will be published under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND license (summary, full license content)
  • Basically, articles published as a GUT FME WP preprint may be secondarily submitted to peer-reviewed journals, publishing houses, etc., with each Author responsible for checking the policy of the journal / publishing house that interests him. In the case of foreign publishers, the publishing policy may be checked in the SHERPA / RoMEO database; in the case of Polish publishers, we recommend contacting the editorial office directly or checking the publishing policy on the journal's website.


  • Papers should be submitted in Word format or, in the case of Authors using Latex, as the final PDF file.
  • Please send your applications to aparteka@zie.pg.gda.pl
  • The submission should contain: (1) a formatted manuscript and (2) a separate Word / txt file containing:
  • Title and Authors' names and surnames along with their affiliation and e-mail to the contact person
  • Abstract (max 150 words)
  • JEL codes (max. 5)
  • Keywords (max. 5)
  • Acknowledgments, the so-called disclaimer (optional)

Editing requirements

There is no limit to the size of articles (number of pages). However, their size should allow you to quickly download the file from the website.

Recommended text formatting style (please pay special attention to the correct formatting of the bibliography, which allows searching for items by bibliometric systems):

  • Text structure: the text should be divided into parts (chapters, subsections and sections numbered sequentially - e.g. 1, 1.1, 1.1.1; max. 3 levels). Keep the titles and subtitles short. Pages should be numbered.
  • Font: standard (eg Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial), please avoid type 3 fonts (check the font type in PDF File Properties). Font size in the text: chapter titles: 16pt, subsection titles: 14pt :, main text: 12pt, footnotes: 10pt.
  • The title page should contain: Title (font 24pt), First names and surnames of Authors (font 18pt) separated by commas - along with information about affiliation and an email to the contact person (in the footnote); abstract - max. 150 words, JEL codes - max. 5; keywords - max. 5, these should be words that appear frequently in the text)
  • Margins (left, right, top and bottom): 2.5. Justified text; line spacing (space): 1.5. Paragraphs: still on the left side.
  • Footnotes, numbered. Footnotes should not contain full bibliographic references to other works (we use the Harvard system or APA), patterns, tables or drawings.
  • Formulas, tables and figures must be continuously numbered throughout the text. Tables and Figures can be placed in the text or at the end of the document (in an appendix). Drawings - should be submitted as JPG. All graphic elements should be of sufficient quality to be suitable for black and white printing with shades of gray. All tables and figures must be described (title, source).
  • References to other works should be placed in the main text (not in a footnote) in a manner consistent with the Harvard style and APA citation style.
  • Examples: Krugman (1980) found that… ..while Melitz and Ottaviano (2008) argue that…. According to so called new-new trade theory (Melitz, 2003)… .. Several studies (Krugman, 1980a, 1980b; Melitz, 2003; Melitz & Ottaviano, 2008) reveal that….
  • Attachment bibliography (a full list of all works cited in the text) should be arranged alphabetically (and chronologically in the case of the same author) and drawn up in accordance with the rules of the APA style.
  • Please use double space between lines and a protrusion of 0.5 cm in each bibliographic position. Please pay special attention to the fact that a paragraph break is only at the end of each bibliographic entry, and not separate individual lines within one entry.
  • A detailed description of the rules for creating references and formatting a bibliography according to the APA style can be found here and here. Examples:
  • Articles in journals: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Article title. Journal Title, volume number (issue number), page numbers. doi: xx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Article title. Journal Title, volume number (issue number), page numbers. Retrieved from http: //www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Article title. Journal Title, volume number (issue number), page numbers
  • Books: Author, A. A. (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher. Author, A. A. (year). Title of work. Retrieved from http: //www.xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Books edited by: Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
  • Chapter in the book: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. Xxx-xxx). Location: Publisher
  • We recommend creating an attachment bibliography using bibliography managers - free (eg Mendeley, Zotero. ReadCube, Citavi) or commercial (eg EndNote in the ISI Web of Knowledge database available on the GUT Main Library website).

Indexing Recommendations

GUT FME WP are indexed in the Repec / Ideas system (Research Papers in Economics: http://ideas.repec.org/). In order to identify their works, Authors are asked to create a profile (register) in the Repec / Ideas system. In the case of persons affiliated with FME Gdańsk Tech, registration in the Repec / Ideas system is required. The list of registered persons can be found here. In order to maximize the 'visibility' of works on the Internet, we recommend creating an Author's profile and adding works in the SSRN system and in the CEON repository, as well as creating a profile on the Google Scholar Citations website that allows you to track citations in Google Scholar and through the Publish Or Perish overlay.


Please send your submissions to the series to Coordinator of the GUT FME WORKING PAPERS Series series:

Sabina Szymczak (sabina.szymczak@pg.edu.pl)

Substantive supervisor of the GUT FME WP Series A series:

Aleksandra Parteka (aparteka@zie.pg.edu.pl)

Information on publishing policy, effective document formatting, online citation, etc .: Magdalena Szuflita (magdalena.szuflita@pg.edu.pl)