Internationalization is a very important element of the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Faculty strategies. The internationalization of the faculty is reflected in four areas.
  • International Studies programs - The Faculty offers 5 full-time programs in English (two at the Bachelor's level, two at the Master's level and a part-time Executive MBA postgraduate program), thanks to which almost 200 foreign students from various European countries, as well as from Asia, South America and Africa, study at the Faculty
    See Our Programs
  • International Staff - in all areas of study in English, classes are taught entirely in English by lecturers from Gdańsk Tech and foreign visiting professors. They offer students the opportunity to benefit from their unique international experience and knowledge.
  • Strong partnership: The faculty offer double degree programs with international partners, including one from China and the other three from Europe. A student can spend an academic year at the partner college and then officially receive a master's degree from both universities
    See our double degree parnerships
  • Intensive mobility exchanges – The Faculty has almost 100 agreements signed with European universities and exchanges students and faculty members within Erasmus + Erasmus + partners
The Faculty has several strategic goals in the area of internationalization: 
  • expanding the offer of intensive international education programs, also in remote mode
  • development of cooperation within Erasmus with non-European partners 
  • development of activities within the prestigious ENHANCE consortium, which the University joined in 2023 
  • organizing cyclical events (ERASMUS WEEK in Gdańsk) in order to attract the best-quality foreign partners and tighten cooperation with them.
  • tightening cooperation with foreign graduates and using their potential to promote the Faculty, the region and the country  
  • increasing the quality level of service for international candidates and students of the Faculty