Jan Wyrwiński, entrepreneur, creator of acceleration programme for start-up’s

- What is your biggest success? What do you think, what have the greatest influence on it?

I believe my greatest success is still to come and I don’t think only about this professional one. If I tried to sum up somehow recent 10 years I would say that – looking from outside – my success was considerable participation in creating middle-sized company - Aiton Caldwell SA (IT/telecommunication field) and so release it on the stock market (NewConnect). But for me the most important thing is I realized meanwhile what I really want to do in my life, what are my strengths and weaknesses, what values are important for me ant with who I want to work with. This personal development makes me optimistic when I look into the future and my new project – ‘Alfabeat’ accelerator and ‘Clipster’ start-up house.

When you think “University of Technology/Faculty of Management”…

I remember the courses varied a lot. Engeenering courses showed themselves very useful (!), economy and management basis was ‘OK’, but I felt the lack of practice. 95% of my knowledge and business competences I have learned during my work, not at the University. Sometimes I’m coming back to my notes from ‘management psychology’ only.

- What is your advice for your younger colleagues – current students of our Faculty?

I think there is no one universal, best advice. Everything we do when we are studying (even meeting new people in student’s clubs!) influences on our future professional career. Of course, you need some luck, additionally, too. I think it’s worth to stop from time to time - think over your goals and choose the way of act that – step by step – make them closer to you. It’s also worth to talk with older colleagues. They are priceless source of knowledge about labor market and professional reality. We, alumni, could be very helpful for you!