Gdańsk Tech Office
Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics
G. Narutowicza Street 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk (main office: R. Traugutta Street 79)
Room 112, Phone/fax +48 58 347 15 52, +48 58 348 62 75
Tax Identification Number (NIP): 584-020-35-93, Business Identification Number (REGON): 000001620
Student's office contacts Admissions contacts
- Vice-Dean for Cooperation and Development, Ph.D., D.Sc. Michał Tomczak, Gdańsk Tech professor, michał.tomczak@zie.pg.edu.pl
- Faculty Erasmus+ coordinator, Ph.D. Katarzyna Stankiewicz, katstank@pg.edu.pl or erasmus@zie.pg.edu.pl
China Representative Office
Contact: Rui Wang-Kwiecińska
Tel: +48 58 347 16 44
Email: rui.wang@pg.edu.pl
MBA Office
Tel: +48 58 348 63 55
Tel: +48 517 849 332
more information