Julia Rozenberg, Management (2008)

- What is your biggest success? What do you think, what have the greatest influence on it?

I hope, that my greatest success – my own start-up – is still to come. I would like to start this project this year. As my previous achievements are concerned, it’s worth to say about award I received (“Girls in IT” contest) - 3-months internship in Microsoft and so my further cooperation with this company, which I combine with my studies (masters degree) at Warsaw University of Technology.  Work at Microsoft gave me the possibility to meet many incredible people and for me this is the greatest value of this award.

When you think “University of Technology/Faculty of Management”…

I associate Gdańsk University of Technology with tradition. Most of my family was graduated here and already since my high school I couldn’t imagine studying anywhere else. My colleagues was surprised, first of all - because of my ability to aim my goal, second – my determination to achieve it.

Faculty of Management and Economy is connected also with word “project” and teamwork. During the time of my studies, this word managed to pick up negative meaning in my dictionary. But from nowadays perspective, I know that Faculty teach how to work on projects and as a part of the team. Thing, which long time ago was “only one more thing to pass”, now is the area I’m engaged to work in. The change is I don’t have my requiring professors on the other side, but my clients’ expectations, which I have to deal with.

- What is your advice for your younger colleagues – current students of our Faculty?

Explore the possibilities the Faculty offers. Explore as many countries, cities, universities and meet as many people as possible.  Apply for exchange programs, Erasmus is not the only one. Develop not only your theoretical framework of describing the world. As Alan Watts said – “you won’t understand main assumptions of your own culture if your own culture will be the only one you know”.  Move on!