Dean of the Faculty
Ph.D., D. Sc. Małgorzata Gawrycka, Gdańsk Tech professor
building no. 50 FME, room 413
phone: +48 58 347 18 99
e-mail: malgorzata.gawrycka@pg.edu.pl
Consultation for students: Monday, 12.00-13.00, room 309
Consultation for employees: Monday, 14.00-15.30, room 413

Vice-Dean for Research
Ph.D., D. Sc., Eng. Krzysztof Leja, Gdańsk Tech professor
building no. 50 FME, room 413
phone: +48 58 347 63 17
e-mail: krzysztof.leja@pg.edu.pl

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
Ph.D. Eng. Ewa Mazurek-Krasodomska
building no. 50 FME, room 114
phone: + 48 58 347 27 51
email: ewa.mazurek-krasodomska@pg.edu.pl
Consultations take place on-line, after prior appointment via the website
Monday 12:00-13:00 / Wednesday 13:00-14:00 / Saturday (during meetings) 10:00-11:30

Vice-Dean for Organization of Studies
Ph.D. Marta Kuc-Czarnecka
building no. 50 FME, room 412
phone: +48 58 348 60 01
e-mail: marta.kuc@pg.edu.pl

Vice-Dean for Cooperation and Development
Ph.D., D.Sc. Michał Tomczak, Gdańsk Tech professor
building no. 50 FME, room 412
phone: +48 58 347 28 76
e-mail: michał.tomczak@pg.edu.pl

Administrative Director
Mariusz Krzyżanowski, M.Sc., Eng.
building no. 50 FME, room 517
phone.: +48 501 461 695