Łukasz Chmaj (2002), Logistics Director in W.KRUK

- What is your biggest success? What do you think, what have the greatest influence on it?

I’ve realized my professional plan, which I created after my graduation. Being an expert in my domain, title “Personality of the Year” admitted by “Modern Magazine”, my 60-person team I lead every day – those things make me proud of myself. Both, projects I was taking part in and those I created by myself, required wide and logical look at the organization and so permanent learning and putting new ideas into reality.

Those abilities, consequence and commitment have helped me to achieve my goals.

When you think “University of Technology/Faculty of Management”…

I associate Gdansk University of Technology with multiplicity of sciences and technique disciplines. When I was a student I was wondering, what “Bases of the structure of machines”, ”Chemistry bases”, “Material sciences” or other courses are for. They seemed very far from management for me this time. I was much more interested in sociology, economy, management and related disciplines. But the time has shown, that Dean was right creating study programmes which connect many different disciplines. Nowadays I use everything I have learned

- What is your advice for your younger colleagues – current students of our Faculty?

In my everyday (professional) life I have many situations where knowledge from many different fields (accounting, law, technique, market segmentation) is needed. I can rely then on knowledge and competences of my colleagues who I was studying or working with. Students have great opportunity to widen their ‘experts circle’, because they are all around. I strongly recommend you to build and look after such a contact network!