Book of Educational Quality of the FME
The education quality management system at the Faculty of Management and Economics was created on the basis of the Rector's Ordinance No. 9/2004 of March 26, 2004, and updated based on the Resolution of the Senate of the Gdańsk University of Technology No. 15/2012 / XXIII of November 22, 2012, introducing the University The Education Quality Assurance and Improvement System at the Gdańsk University of Technology, which defines the objectives of ensuring the quality of education and the means of their implementation.
Faculty education quality management systems (WSZJK) comply with the guidelines of the university system, and may also take into account the specificity of specific faculties. The system at WZiE is therefore consistent with university guidelines and takes into account the distinctiveness of the faculty which combines engineering, economic and social subjects in its teaching activities.
The most important elements of the education quality management system at the Faculty of Management and Economics are:
- education quality policy WZiE resulting from the mission of the Faculty and the adopted development strategy of the Faculty, in which the quality of education plays a key role.
- pro-quality organization of the education process, the aim of which is, inter alia, coordinating the processes of designing and adjusting the effects of education in individual types of studies with the needs of students and the labor market.
- quality of the teaching staff, which is ensured, inter alia, through activities such as participation of employees in specialized conferences and training in the field of modern teaching methods.
- learning resources and support measures for students, including a wide range of scholarships, assistance in obtaining apprenticeship places or regularly publishing a job offer for students on the Faculty's website.
- principles of student assessment, which constitute an important part of the analyzes carried out at the Faculty during the process of verification of the learning outcomes.
- informing about the educational offer and two-way communication with the environment providing feedback on the evaluation of the quality of this offer.
The functioning and improvement of the education quality management system takes place under the supervision of the Faculty Education Quality Committee, established by a resolution of the Faculty Council on November 22, 2012.
These elements are complemented by continuous organizational activities ensuring compliance of the departmental quality management system not only with university requirements, but also with the guidelines of the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) and the guidelines of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
The chairman of the Faculty Committee for Education Quality Assurance in the 2020-2024 term is Aneta Sobiechowska-Ziegert, Ph.D, Gdańsk Tech professor.