Marketing activity is essential for the functioning of a company as it involves gathering information from its environment and utilizing that information to shape both its offerings and competitive advantage. The idea behind marketing is to identify the needs of buyers and strive to satisfy them to the greatest extent. Marketing activities include conducting marketing research, setting marketing objectives and strategies, shaping products, determining pricing, communicating with buyers, shaping distribution systems, creating customer relationships, and providing customer service.
At the same time, marketing is a significant and evolving area of scientific research. It evolves with changes occurring in the environment, including the direction of relationship marketing and the use of modern technological solutions, including information technology, in the process of building customer relationships.
The Department of Marketing conducts scientific research, educational courses, and projects in the field of marketing.
Team The Department of Marketing was established based on the Rector's Order of the Gdańsk University of Technology No. 22/2001 dated July 18, 2001. It was separated from the Department of Fundamentals of Management and Marketing and incorporated into the organizational structure of the Faculty of Management and Economics. The order came into effect on the date of announcement, with effect from September 1, 2001. The department consists of professors, assistant professors, assistants, and doctoral students. The team represents the discipline of quality and management sciences. Some team members have practical professional experience.
For more information, please visit the Team page.
Research The research topics conducted at the Department of Marketing include the following areas:
- Market orientation of the enterprise
- Service management and marketing
- Management of relationships with customers and business partners
- Management of new product development
- New tools and trends in digital marketing communication
- Principles of sustainable development in marketing
- Open innovation
- Consumer behavior, including in digital media
- The impact of addictions on consumer behavior
For more information, please visit the Research page.
Education The Department provides educational courses for the following majors: economic analytics, engineering management, management, international management, data engineering, and economics. The department supervises bachelor's, engineering, master's, and doctoral theses. The educational courses include subjects such as the basics of marketing, marketing research, market analysis, behavior of market entities, relationship marketing, international marketing, e-marketing, and trend analysis. The classes and diplomas are conducted in Polish and English. In addition to acquiring knowledge in new areas, students gain skills in using methods and tools that are applied in business practice.
More information on the page Education.