The Department maintains research cooperation with scientific centers and businesses.

We engage in scientific cooperation within international research projects with the following institutions:

  • Instituto Politecnico Do Porto from Portugal
  • Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy from Finland
  • Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht from the Netherlands
  • University of Castilla-La Mancha from Spain
  • University of Murcia from Spain
  • RMIT University, Melbourne from Australia
  • The University of Queensland Business School from Australia
  • Victoria University, Melbourne from Australia

Currently, we are collaborating with the following companies:

  • Maurisse sp. z o.o.
  • PBS Sopot
  • Veolia
  • Browar Amber

We invite research centers and businesses to collaborate in the field of marketing. Collaboration may include joint research projects, commissioned services, and training. For businesses, it can also involve solving specific practical problems as part of diploma projects.