dr Paweł Ziemiański

My scientific interests mainly concern psychology in business. The specific topics that I am particularly interested in include the psychological aspects of leadership and governance in organizations, the importance of personal competencies, the functioning of people in teams and groups, as well as coping with stress and demands.

For some time now, I have been dealing with the psychology of entrepreneurship, including the effectiveness of entrepreneurial teams, and entrepreneurial intentions, as well as dealing with the stress and burdens that result from being a start-up founder.

I am interested in the use of the case study in the teaching process. I learned to work with this method in Canada, I also received a North American Case Research Association scholarship to participate in training and conferences in the USA.

I like my bike and I like riding it. I do it in the summer season, completely amateur, but regularly and relentlessly.

Business Card WZiE

contact with tutor -  pawel.ziemianski@pg.edu.pl