The 1st Tech4Health Scientific Symposium | Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-07-27

The 1st Tech4Health Scientific Symposium

From July 19th to July 21st, 2023, the 1st Tech4Health Scientific Symposium took place. Its aim was to emphasize the importance of science for social progress, technological development, environmental protection, and the improvement of quality of life. The event was organized by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Informatics, along with the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdańsk University of Technology.

During the symposium, scientific presentations, panel discussions, and workshops were held, providing young and experienced researchers with the opportunity to present their research and findings. The discussions covered topics related to technology and science, its role in society, ethics in scientific research, scientific communication, and sustainable development.

The realized symposium is associated with the activities of the newly established Tech4Health Laboratory, which is part of one of the scientific centers at Gdańsk University of Technology - the BioTechMed Center.

Tech4Health Laboratory: Tech4Health is a group of research teams whose goal is to translate scientific research results into practical solutions that enhance the quality of life for society. Its activities are aligned with the goals of sustainable development, particularly Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. The rapid transfer of scientific achievements is much more effective through interdisciplinary collaboration involving representatives from different disciplines. Therefore, the team includes members from five faculties at Gdańsk University of Technology: the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Informatics; the Faculty of Chemistry; the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics; and the Faculty of Management and Economics.

Currently, the team is working on a project aiming to develop an early warning system for potential disease outbreaks.

The OPT IGEN SANITAS Project Website