ELECTRUST: Dynamics of Trust and Distrust Creation in Internet Voting

2022 - 2023 | Research team leader: PhD Tomasz Janowski, GUT Professor

I-voting has been around for two decades now and yet it still fails to be widely implemented. One of the main motives is the citizens’ lack of trust in the technology and the people deployed to it. By considering distrust as an independent variable from trust, the project has to explore how both constructs shape public discourse around I-voting (both the technology and its promoters), understood as a critical case for the escalation of the very same approach and potential conclusions to the research in e-government.

Financial Program: HORIZON 2020

CAP4CITY: Strengthening Governance Capacity for Smart Sustainable Cities

2018 - 2021 | Research team leader: PhD Tomasz Janowski, GUT Professor

Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC) represent a progression of how cities apply digital technology to serve their populations, pursue sustainable socio-economic development, and transform themselves. The project aims at integrating the SSC idea into various university courses using new teaching and learning tools, as well as developing new curricula in all levels of the education process.

Financial Program: Strengthening Governance Capacity for Smart Sustainable Cities

Smart-VAR: Development and Evaluation of a Seamless Toolchain for Innovative Worker Training Using Virtual and Augmented Reality

2018 - 2020 | Research team leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerrit Meixner, Heilbronn University, Germany

The training of skilled workers is a central part of any work process. However, in many cases this is very costly as special tools or entire parts of, for example, production systems must be available for training purposes only. The aim of the project is to create a European network for joint consideration and research of augmented and virtual reality and to submit a research proposal to the European funding program from this network.

IntranetTime: The Impact of Intranet Portals on Knowledge Management Advancements in Service Organizations

2011 - 2014 | Research team leader: Prof. PhD DSc Eng. Marcin Sikorski

Advanced intranet portals in many companies constitute electronic work environment (Digital Workplace) providing employees - as internal customers - with the entire package of internal on-line services necessary to perform work. From the point of view of the organization, the use of intranet portals is to give numerous benefits, from typical cost or organizational benefits to support for the development of knowledge management and intellectual capital of a given organization. The aim of the project was to identify the factors shaping the impact of intranet portals in selected Polish organizations - enterprises and institutions.

Financial Program: Polish National Science Centre (NCN) - HARMONIA 1

Quality of on-line services: measurement, evaluation, improvements

2011-2013 | Research team leader: Prof. PhD DSc Eng. Marcin Sikorski

The project concerned the issue of shaping the quality of on-line services available via the Internet and constituting an important element of the IT infrastructure of a modern business. The scope of the project included usability management methods in IT projects and shaping User Experience (UX) from the end user's perspective of digital services.  The publications resulting from the project addressed economic factors shaping the satisfaction of users of digital services and their impact on building relationships and customer loyalty to on-line service providers.

Financial Program: Polish National Science Centre (NCN)

Transsectorial IT Design and Evaluation

2009-2013 | Research team leader: Prof. PhD DSc Eng. Marcin Sikorski

The project aimed to examine the current use of Usability and User Experience (UUX) design and evaluation methods and to enhance the maturation of those methods. Within this project, working groups analysed relevant UUX conceptual models, practical protocols, and their potential transferability to various business and industrial sectors. Publications resulting from this project provided a critical review of software quality attributes and standards, which were systematised and prioritised for user interface design and evaluation processes in different sectors. Finally, the project resulted in developing a generic framework that effectively leverages and supports the interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial design and evaluation of user interfaces for high Usability and User Experience.

Financial Program: EU COST Action ISO904