The Department maintains research and service cooperation with the enterprises of the Coast, especially with leading IT companies. This cooperation includes, among others:

  • ergonomics research and quality testing of software,
  • websites and on-line services,
  • analysis of the organization of work processes and the flow of electronic documents,
  • development of methods for assuring the quality of use in implemented projects,
  • improvement of IT project management methods,
  • improving the methods of managing software resources in the enterprise,
  • organization of thematic trainings for employees of companies.

We also conduct scientific cooperation with foreign centers as part of international programs:

We invite all units and organizations interested in the subject to cooperation:

  • research and development of IT technologies,
  • methods of discovering the knowledge that sets of data,
  • research and development of business analysis methods,
  • methods of IT project management,
  • User / Customer Experience design for on-line services,
  • problems of organization of cooperation with clients / users in IT projects,
  • methods of designing and implementing digital services by administrative units,
  • methods of designing and implementing solutions and services for e-business,
  • methods of managing the exploitation of IT resources in the enterprise,
  • other related issues.

Cooperation may include joint research projects, commissioned services as well as training for these areas.

We invite people interested in the implementation of phd theses on the above issues.

Interested parties, please contact us at the address: