Currently ongoing projects:

March 2023 – June 2023 | Project Leader: Dr. hab. Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Prof. PG

Project Title: Global Value Chains, Sustainable Development, and Technological Changes (GVC, sustainability, and technology, acronym GVCST). The main goal of the project is to investigate the connections between global value chains, sustainable development, and technological changes. Analyses are conducted at the levels of countries, sectors, companies, and individual workers. The project is carried out during a three-month internship at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, under the supervision of Prof. Holger Görg.

Funding Program: IDUB, Gdańsk University of Technology


Project Website

Project Leader: Aleksandra Parteka

Team Members: Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Piotr Płatkowski

Duration: 2022-2025

  • Functional Specialization in Central Eastern Europe Countries: The Role of Enterprise Heterogeneity and the Contribution of Business Functions to Economic Growth

Year: 2022-2023

Project Leader: Dr. hab. Magdalena Olczyk, Prof. Uczelni

The development of Global Value Chains (GVCs) in the last two decades has profoundly transformed the global economy. This project focuses on specialization within GVCs, its new determinants, and its impact on the economy. The primary objectives of the project are twofold: to create models that illustrate the relationships between patterns of functional specialization and economic growth paths, and to describe a model that outlines the implications of enterprise heterogeneity on patterns of functional specialization.

Funding Program: IDUB, Gdańsk University of Technology

Year: 2021-2025

Project Leader: Dr. hab. Adam Marszk, Prof. PG

The main objectives of the project include the identification of determinants of development for Responsible Investment Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in Europe, as well as an assessment of their socio-economic effects. The project also aims to evaluate the significance of Responsible Investment ETFs in the context of sustainable development strategies being implemented in Europe. The project will contribute by establishing criteria for identifying Responsible Investment ETFs and conducting a detailed analysis of these funds' impact in European countries.

Funding Program: NCN (National Science Centre), OPUS Project

Project Leader: Aleksandra Parteka

Collaborator: Zuzanna Zarach

Completed Projects

  • Responsible Investment Funds in Europe from the Perspective of Sustainable Development

Duration: 2021-2022

Project Leader: Dr. Adam Marszk, Prof. PG

The main objective of this project was to investigate European responsible investment funds from two fundamental dimensions: methodological and socio-economic system. In the empirical domain, the project contributed to expanding the current knowledge base by conducting and presenting the results of a detailed analysis of responsible investment funds in European countries. The research also resulted in conclusions regarding the potential contribution of European funds to achieving sustainable development goals related to financial and economic issues.

Funding Program: NAWA, Bekker Program

  • Assessing the Role of Administrative Staff in the (In)efficiency of Higher Education Institutions – With the Application of Robust Non-parametric Methods

Duration: September 2019 - January 2020

Project Leader: Dr. Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Prof. PG

This project was conducted at the University of Rome La Sapienza (host: Prof. Cinzia Daraio) and focused on empirical analyses related to the productivity of higher education institutions, with particular attention to the role of non-academic staff within university structures. The project involved a comparison of universities in the United States and Europe in this regard.

Funding Program: NAWA, Bekker Program

Duration: 2016 - 2022

Project Leader: Dr. Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Prof. PG

This project focused on analyzing the effects of global production networks (GPN) on the functioning of businesses and workers. The GPN concept is closely related to global value chains (GVC). The main goal of the project was to assess the microeconomic consequences of GPN in terms of changes in employment, wages, and resource allocation. Due to the multifaceted nature of the issues addressed and the complex nature of GPN, ten detailed research hypotheses were formulated. These research hypotheses were verified using microeconomic data at the individual worker level (EU-SILC, SES, and LIS) and company level (Amadeus database).

Funding Program: NCN, OPUS Project

  • Exchange Traded Funds as Innovative Financial Products in Financial Markets: Determinants of Development and Impact on the Financial System. Experiences of European Countries and Implications for Poland

Duration: 2016-2021

Project Leader: Dr. hab. Adam Marszk, Prof. PG

This research project focused on innovative financial products known as exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Within the empirical research, models of innovation diffusion were applied to analyze the development paths of ETF markets, a novel approach in this context. One of the key factors influencing the diffusion of ETFs in financial markets, whose role was confirmed in most analyses, was the saturation of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The research encompassed various factors related to financial development (especially stock markets), the real economy (e.g., economic growth dynamics), and monetary policy. The study also examined the implications for Poland. Another important research gap addressed by this project was the impact of ETFs on the financial system, including its stability. In the case of European countries, no potential negative effects were identified.

Funding Program: NCN, Sonata Project

Duration: 2016 – 2019

Project Leader: Dr. hab. Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Prof. PG

The Jean Monnet Chair is a prestigious program aimed at promoting knowledge about European integration and raising the level of teaching in this field. Centers implementing Jean Monnet Chairs are selected from universities worldwide based on the quality of their teaching. The project aimed to expand teaching and research activities related to the economics of European integration. This included offering courses at the undergraduate and master's levels and organizing workshops and meetings dedicated to this topic.

Funding Program: ERASMUS+

  • Identification of the Competitiveness of Manufacturing Sectors and Their Impact on the International Competitiveness of the Polish Economy – Panel Analysis in the ECM Model

Year: 2016

Project Leader: Dr. hab. Magdalena Olczyk, Prof. at the University

Industrial manufacturing is a crucial sector of the Polish economy. In 2012, the industrial manufacturing sector accounted for 83% of the entire industrial production in the national economy. The main aim of the project was to identify the determinants of the international competitiveness of the manufacturing sectors in the Polish economy. Analyses were conducted using annual data for 13 manufacturing sectors for the period 1995–2011. The application of the ECM (Error Correction Model) allowed for the identification of both short-term and long-term relationships between the international competitiveness of manufacturing sectors and selected determinants.

Funding Program: Narodowy Bank Polski (National Bank of Poland)

Research grant funded by the National Science Centre [UMO-2015/19/B/HS4/03220]:

  • "Paths of Diffusion of New Technologies - Determinants and Implications for Economic Development. A New Theoretical Approach and Empirical Research Results"

Duration: 2015/2016-2022

Project Leader: Prof. Dr. hab. Ewa Lechman

This project falls within the research stream on technological progress. As part of the research objectives, a new theoretical and methodological approach was developed to identify the dynamics of the diffusion process of digital technologies, and determinants of this process were identified. The research conducted under this project focused on economically less developed countries.

  • International Research Project: "Information and Communication Technologies for Economic Development. Special focus on Intelligent Knowledge Grid Information Retrieval and Diffusion"


Duration: 2014-2017

Project Leader: Prof. Dr. hab. Ewa Lechman

Within this project, research was conducted on information grids, data warehousing, and the impact of big data on social processes. Additionally, empirical analyses were carried out to investigate the relationship between technological progress and economic development.

Funded by: Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of India

  • Patterns of Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Operating in High-Tech Industries

Duration: 2014-2018

Project Leader: Prof. Dr. hab. Nelly Daszkiewicz

This project involved the theoretical conceptualization and operationalization of the internationalization process of SMEs operating in high-tech industries (high-tech SMEs). It also aimed to verify the mechanisms of internationalization for Polish SMEs in high-tech sectors. The research was conducted on a random sample of 263 companies from high and medium-high technology sectors operating in Poland.

  • Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of European and American Higher Education Institutions

Duration: 2013-2014

Project Leader: Dr. hab. Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Prof. PG

This project, conducted at the University of Berkeley with Professor David Card as the host, focused on measuring the productivity and efficiency of higher education institutions. Empirical analyses were conducted on universities in Europe and the USA that have the authority to award doctoral degrees. The main goal of the project was to calculate the efficiency of these higher education institutions and assess the determinants influencing their efficiency.

Funding Program: MNiSW Mobility Plus Program

  • Jean Monnet Studies on Economic Integration: Within and Beyond Europe

Duration: 2011-2014

Project Leader: Dr. hab. Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Prof. PG

This project aimed to create and conduct courses on the topic of social integration. The first specialized course was delivered as part of European Studies (30 hours per year), and the second course introduced European integration issues in the Bachelor in Management program (30 hours per year).

  • Project Title: Differentiation of Commercial Activities in Economic Development Processes - Theoretical Aspects and International Empirical Comparative Analyses (OPUS NCN Project)

Project Leader: Dr. hab. eng. Aleksandra Parteka

This project focuses on understanding the diversification of commercial activities within economic development processes. It includes both theoretical aspects and international empirical comparative analyses. The research aims to explore how economic development leads to differentiation in commercial activities. The project is funded by the National Science Center (NCN) as part of the OPUS program.

  • Project Title: International Outsourcing and Disintegration of Production Processes - Implications for Labor Markets (OPUS NCN Project)

Project Leader: Dr. hab. eng. Aleksandra Parteka

This project investigates international outsourcing and the disintegration of production processes and examines their effects on labor markets. It aims to understand how global economic changes, particularly the disintegration of production processes, impact labor markets in different countries. This research is funded by the National Science Center (NCN) under the OPUS program.

  • Project Title: The Impact of Trade Exposure and Global Division of Labor on Product Variety - Evidence from Europe and the U.S (Fulbright Commission Scholarship, conducted at UC Berkeley, USA)

Project Leader: Dr. hab. eng. Aleksandra Parteka

This project, supported by a Fulbright Commission Scholarship and conducted at UC Berkeley in the USA, focuses on assessing the influence of trade exposure and the global division of labor on product variety. It examines evidence from both European and American contexts, aiming to provide insights into how these factors affect the diversity of products in the marketplace.

  • Project Title: International Competitiveness in Economic Theory - Bibliometric Analysis

Project Duration: 2012 - 2015

Project Leader: Dr. hab. Magdalena Olczyk, Prof. Uczelni

International competitiveness has become a subject of interest for managers, policymakers, and scholars. This is evident from the vast amount of information available, including approximately 6.5 million search results on Google and the increasing attention given to global competitiveness rankings. The aim of this project was to examine the evolution of the concept of international competitiveness in economic literature using bibliometric indicators. It sought to identify key publications and authors, determine their role in knowledge diffusion in the analyzed field, and highlight the main research areas within the concept of international competitiveness.

Funding Program: National Science Center (NCN)

  • International Project: African Association Business Schools in collaboration with Emerald Insight

Project Duration: 2012-2013

Project Contributor: Prof. Dr. hab. Ewa Lechman

The issues related to broad social and economic development are a constant focus of scientific research. This topic is particularly significant when considering economically underdeveloped countries.

The aim of this project was to develop scientific works in the form of case studies concerning the issues of social exclusion and economic development in economically underdeveloped countries. The majority of the case studies created focused on African and Southeast Asian countries. These case studies aimed to provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by these regions in terms of social and economic development.

  • Project: "Winning Strategies in Challenging Times"

Project Duration: 2012

Project Leader: Prof. Dr. hab. Ewa Lechman

The aim of the project was to conduct scientific research in the field of building strategies for enterprises that would enable them to gain a competitive advantage. As part of the project, collaboration was also established with the business sector. The project was carried out in international cooperation with the Baltic Management Development Association, and one of its outcomes was the organization of the international scientific conference titled "X Baltic Management Development Association: Winning Strategies in Challenging Times." This conference likely focused on discussing and sharing insights on effective business strategies during challenging economic periods.

  • Project: "Entrepreneurship in Modern Economy – Challenges and Risks"

Project Duration: 2010

Project Leader: Prof. Dr. hab. Ewa Lechman​​​​​​​

The aim of the project was to conduct scientific research in the field of entrepreneurship in emerging markets. The project was carried out in international cooperation with École Supérieure de Commerce in Rouen (France), the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and Harvard Business Review Polska, the publisher. As part of the project, an international scientific conference titled "4th International Entrepreneurship Conference ENTIME 2010, Entrepreneurship in Modern Economy – Challenges and Risks" was organized. This conference likely focused on exploring entrepreneurship in the context of modern economies, addressing the challenges and risks that entrepreneurs face in emerging markets and beyond.