Date added: 2024-09-24
Workshop Summary: Exploring AI and Digital Technologies in Public Services and Governance

The workshop opened with warm welcoming remarks from the organizer, Dr. Magdalena Ciesielska, followed by inspiring introductions from Prof. Michał Tomczak, Vice Dean for Cooperation and Development, and Prof. Tomasz Janowski, Head of the Department of Informatics in Management. Special greetings were extended to two scholars from Kyoto University, Dr. Jawad Haqbeen and Dr. Sofia Sahab, whose in-person participation contributed significantly to the richness of the discussions and exchanges.
Session I began with a presentation by Dr. Jawad Haqbeen, exploring how facilitation chatbots can enhance student confidence within learning platforms. This was followed by Dr. Sheghui Cheng from Jinan University, China, who discussed future possibilities with "Towards the Era of Infinite Intelligence."
Session II included presentations on AI-enabled sustainable co-creation of public services by Gdańsk University of Technology’s own Dr. Magdalena Ciesielska and Dr. Nina Rizun, which ignited discussions on sustainability and AI. In her presentation, Dr. Sofia Sahab shared groundbreaking work on how conversational AI can reduce interethnic prejudice in online communities.
The afternoon sessions explored AI’s role in civic engagement and health. Dr. Antoine Clarinval from the University of Namur, Belgium, discussed the transformative potential of AI in digital citizen participation, while Dr. Li-Chuan Liu from National Taitung University, Taiwan, provided insights on leveraging technology to create better health outcomes in rural communities.
Throughout the event, the active participation of Prof. Tomasz Janowski, who posed intriguing questions about AI adoption in the public sector, enriched the discussions, further enhancing the quality of the workshop.
The event concluded with a strong consensus to continue these valuable exchanges, with participants expressing great interest in further collaborations. The success of this workshop signals a bright future for ongoing international cooperation in AI and digital technology for public governance.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year