Nearly 7 mln PLN for the development of educational programs | Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-02-07

Nearly 7 mln PLN for the development of educational programs

Nearly 7 million PLN for the Gdańsk University of Technology for the development and modification of educational programs
The Gdańsk University of Technology has received funding for the development and modification of educational programs for key sectors of the national industry within the European Social Fund for 2021-2027 (ESF). The GUT obtained a grant as one of 23 applicants.

As part of the implementation of the "Studies 5.0" project, five second-cycle study programs will be modified across five faculties of the university:

  • Faculty of Chemistry - major: chemical technology; specialization: renewable energy technologies,
  • Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Informatics - major: space and satellite technologies; specializations: information and telecommunication technologies in space and satellite engineering, and engineering and management of space systems,
  • Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics - major: materials engineering; specialization: functional materials engineering for renewable energy,
  • Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering - major: transportation; specializations: planning and management of transportation systems, Intelligent transportation systems, rail transportation infrastructure,
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology - major: energy engineering; specializations: advanced energy technologies and nuclear energy.

In total, 2390 hours of education will be modified and adapted for the needs of key sectors of the national industry. A total of 61 academic teachers will work on creating new content. The project will also include activities such as classes conducted by practitioners, study visits, and supplementation or modification of the laboratory base.

An important part of the project will be the development of competencies for teachers involved in the education process on modified programs. Training for teaching staff will focus on digital competencies, green transformation, and universal design.

The planned activities in the project are a continuation of the priority directions of development for the GUT. They are also a response to the requirements of the changing socio-economic environment - transformations related to the implementation of sustainable development and digital transformation - as well as to the vision of the future of European industry defined by the European Commission's "Industry 5.0". It includes, among others, a human-centric approach, including education, training, and skills upgrading, as one of the most urgent issues to adapt to digital transformation, sustainable development, and resilience, including reforms and investment in ecological and digital priorities.

The project will be implemented from January this year to October 2026. The project manager is Prof. Mariusz Kaczmarek, Vice-Rector for Education. The value of the project is 6,984,910.55 PLN, including a grant of 6,773,495.55 PLN.

The application for funding was prepared by the employees of the Center for Strategic Analysis in cooperation with selected faculties of the university.