Date added: 2023-11-29
International Conference "Quality and its applications 2023. Towards sustainable future"

The chairman of the conference on behalf of the Gdansk University of Technology was Prof. Piotr Grudowski - head of the Department of Management Engineering and Quality from the Faculty of Management and Economics, and the chairman on behalf of the University of Gdansk was Prof. Malgorzata Z. Wisniewska heading the Department of Sustainable Development and Quality Sciences at the Faculty of Management. The conference was opened by: PG Vice-Chancellor for Organization and Development Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, Director of the D. Fahrenheit Association of Universities Prof. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska and Dean of the WZiE Prof. Małgorzata Gawrycka.
In reference to the name of the event, the issues of the conference included various issues related to sustainable economic development and the role of quality as one of the key pillars of this development in the private and public sectors, within the framework of production and service activities. The conference program included speeches by keynote speakers from foreign and Polish centers, four thematic scientific sessions, and a panel of practitioners featuring leaders - representatives of companies and organizations supporting socio-economic development in Pomerania.
The second day of the conference, in addition to the aforementioned panel of practitioners, included a presentation of the course and results of the Edu4QI project dedicated to the development of educational innovation within the framework of the Polish-Norwegian partnership, implemented in 2021-2023 under the EEA funds in the Education Program whose National Agency is the Foundation for the Development of the Education System in Warsaw.
The conference was attended by nearly 100 people. In addition to foreign guests, there were representatives of all major academic centers in Poland, leaders of leading organizations of Pomerania, doctoral students, and students.
According to the opinion of participants, the next edition fully met the expectations of the community of "quality" - scientists and practitioners dealing with various issues related to the category of quality. It was emphasized that the interdisciplinarity of quality issues is now and will continue to create excellent conditions for the integration of teams in scientific research, the introduction of product and process innovations and broadly understood dissemination activities. The importance of contemporary challenges concerning the so-called Quality 5.0, key contemporary threats, but also development opportunities related to technical progress was emphasized.
On behalf of the organizers, we would like to thank everyone for their participation and commitment and invite you to cooperate with us on the occasion of future editions of the cyclical Q&IA conference.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year