Gdańsk University of Technology 2nd university from Poland in EngiRank | Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-11-27

Gdańsk University of Technology 2nd university from Poland in EngiRank

EngiRank has encompassed 178 technical universities and engineering programs from 27 European Union countries, including 18 universities from Poland. In the institutional ranking, Gdańsk University of Technology secured the 64th position in Europe and is the second-highest-ranked university from Poland, following the AGH University of Science and Technology

The ranking is based on indicators relevant to engineering education, aiming to educate competent and creative engineers aware of the social consequences of their actions. EngiRank covers universities and engineering programs from EU countries, taking into account unique metrics for this field, such as participation in Erasmus+ and Horizon programs, as well as engagement in achieving sustainable development goals. Data for the ranking are sourced from Scopus, the European Patent Office PATSTAT, the Horizon Europe program, engineering accreditation organizations (ABET, ENAEE), and the Erasmus+ database.

Gdańsk University of Technology received top scores in indicators such as research, internationalization, and interdisciplinarity. The university is also classified in seven engineering disciplines: chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, environmental engineering, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, and medical engineering.

EngiRank Methodology

EngiRank by Subject Methodology

All results of Gdańsk University of Technology in international and national university rankings can be found on the Strategic Analysis Center's website.