The programs of the Faculty of Management and Economics are recruitment hits! | Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-07-27

The programs of the Faculty of Management and Economics are recruitment hits!

In this year's recruitment at the Gdańsk University of Technology, there were more applicants than in the previous year. According to spokesperson Maciej Dzwonnik, approximately 30,000 candidates applied for admission to the university, resulting in an average of 6.4 candidates per available spot. The top three positions in the ranking of "most applications per spot" belong to programs offered by the Faculty of Management and Economics.

The most popular programs this year were as follows:

  1. Economics - approximately 18 candidates per spot.
  2. Engineering Management - approximately 13.5 candidates per spot.
  3. Economic Analytics - approximately 11.5 candidates per spot.
  4. Automation, Cybernetics, and Robotics - approximately 11 candidates per spot.

We sincerely thank everyone involved in building an attractive range of education programs, ensuring high-quality teaching, and effectively promoting our courses among potential candidates.