No more paper theses | Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-01-17

No more paper theses

Students who submit their diploma theses at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology can do it using the MojaPG system. This means that these works do not have to be printed in several copies, but only sent in electronic form.

"The change in PG's Rules and Regulations, which abolished the obligation for students to print their theses, is a consequence of the implementation of Gdansk University of Technology's organizational culture, part of which is environmental protection. We are aware that paper production is associated with significant depletion of natural resources, as well as high energy consumption. The need to submit printed versions of papers was due to the regulations previously in force. A change in the study regulation made it possible to store theses in our database, which we immediately took advantage of.  Assuming that it takes about 17 trees to produce 1 ton of paper, we as the WZiE community protect more than 1 tree a year. In my opinion, it's worth it!" - Ewa Mazurek-Krasodomska

What do the Students think about it ?

"I believe that the proliferation of the submission of thesis in electronic form is beneficial to each party, not only is it more convenient for the person handing in the thesis (no need to wait in queues for printing), but also for the evaluator (it takes up as much space as a phone or laptop and you can easily find an interesting passage). This does not mean that you should completely abandon the paper form, one copy, if only as a souvenir, is always worth having."Ihor Saladiak, Engineering Management Student. 

"I was very pleased to see the change in the regulations, thanks to which it is no longer necessary to deliver paper versions of the thesis to the dean's office. This saves two things - money and trees. Such a move will leave more money in the student's pocket at the end of the month. As a person who strongly supports environmentally friendly measures, I also point out that if the faculty makes such a decision, it gives the opportunity to save many trees and improve air quality. However, if someone would like to print their work for themselves as a souvenir or to show their loved ones, they will always have the opportunity to do so. In this case, there will be no need to print two works - one for oneself and the other for the dean's office to linger in a cabinet, waiting for a potential external inspection." - says Michal Zmudowski, Management Student II msu.