Study at the Faculty of Management and Economics! | Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-04-27

Study at the Faculty of Management and Economics!

The Faculty of Management and Economics is the youngest, the most international and the most business-oriented Faculty at the Gdansk University of Technology. We educate engineers, economists, managers and business leaders capable of creative and independent thinking who understand the challenges of the modern world.

The Faculty has IQA CEEMAN accreditation and AMBA (for master in Management, spec.: International Management and postgraduate programme: International MBA in Strategy, Programme and Project Management).


You can choose one of four full English programmes:

Bachelor - I degree

Master - II degree




International programmes

During your studies you can take part in double degree programmes and additionally get a diploma from one of our prestigious partner universities from China, France and Italy.

If you like getting to know new places and cultures as our student you can choose to study for up to a year at one of our 100 partner universities worldwide.

Business cooperation

As part of our cooperation with business get ready for a wide range of internships, inspiring apprenticeships and the possibility to write your master thesis under the supervision of mentors from the biggest Polish companies.

Gdańsk - The most attractive city at Baltic Sea

Study at the Faculty of Management and Economics and get to know beautiful Gdańsk which every year is ranked city number one in Poland for the comfort of living.  Come and be charmed by Gdańsk, Northern Europe’s coziest city packed with beaches, museums, pubs and sports activities.

Student says…

As far as my studies go, I like the way my classes are conducted with the use of modern methods. There are game-like competitions, projects and design thinking workshops – I am never idle.  Every year we’ve got a faculty picnic at the lake and we also participate in Christmas meetings. Guys from my group belong to the Faculty Running Team, but I’d rather take a stroll in the beautiful Old Town with a camera in my hand. There are so many landmarks to picture here. - Fok Ka Yi

Be proud alumni!

FME is a special place to study, it gives you global experience and distinct advantage of benefiting from unique atmosphere, multicultural and divers environment. Annually FME welcomes students from all around Europe but also from Asia (especially China), North and Latin America, and Africa.

Our internationally-oriented staff provides them skills and knowledge paving roads to work in global companies.