Students' diploma theses awarded by the Polish Economic Society | Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-02-17

Students' diploma theses awarded by the Polish Economic Society


Two students from the GUT Faculty of Management and Economics won awards in the 17th edition of the Witold Andruszkiewicz’s Bachelor's Theses Competition and the 24th edition of the Lucjan Hofman’s Competition for Master's Theses for 2020, which is run by the Polish Economic Society.

The award for the best Master's thesis was won by Marta Bogdziewicz for her work entitled ‘Analysis of expenditure on culture in European Union countries as an indicator of prosperity’. The thesis was written under the supervision of PhD, DSc Joanna Wolszczak - Derlacz, GUT professor.

In the bachelor's theses competition, the winner was Paulina Głodowski for the work entitled ‘Self-government portals of selected poviats of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship as a territorial promotion tool’. It was written under the supervision of PhD, DSc, Eng. Alicja Sekuła, GUT professor.

The idea behind these annual competitions of the Polish Economic Society is to promote graduates of Pomeranian universities by creating opportunities for cooperation with enterprises in the region and supporting research in the field of contemporary economic problems, with particular emphasis on the development of the Gdańsk region.

Competition Jury, which includes professors of the Tri-City universities, selected works that can be described as innovative, unconventional and breaking the existing patterns.

The competition jury also appreciated the diploma works written at a very high level, which due to the limited number of awards and distinctions were not honored. Among them was the MSc thesis ‘Algorithms supporting operator decisions in a biological wastewater treatment plant’ by Bartosz Maciąg and Krzysztof Milewski from the E&CE Faculty, promoted by PhD, DSc, Eng. Robert Piotrowski.