The editorial team of Harvard Business Review, a prestigious magazine for managers, has recognized data science as the most attractive profession of the 21st century. We invite you to join our unique interdisciplinary program offered jointly by the Faculty of Management and Economics and the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Informatics. This program opens up wide prospects for attractive and well-paid careers in industries such as IT, banking, and finance. It helps you make important decisions based on the analysis of multiple sources of information, combining expertise and knowledge from two fields: computer science and management.

During these studies, you will learn how to handle large amounts of data from various sources and how to interpret them. All of this will be based on computer programs and algorithms, as well as knowledge of mathematics, statistics, and economics. With an emphasis on practical workshops and exercises, you can be confident that upon completion of the program, you will be well-prepared practitioners ready to thrive in the business world.

Profiles: Data mining in managerial decision making, Intelligent data processing

Mode: stationary

Degree: engineering

Duration: 7 semesters

Tuition fee (per one semester) for Polish citizens No tuition fee
Tuition fee (per one semester) for Foreigners 8 600 PLN

Arguments for:

  • A highly promising field of study - in the job market, we observe a tremendous demand for professionals who combine IT skills with economic knowledge.
  • Modern laboratories.
  • Opportunity to study abroad and at other Polish universities under the Erasmus+ program and through the MOST exchange program.
  • A unique interdisciplinary program in the country that combines Data Engineering with economic sciences and management.

Employment prospects:

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Big Data Engineer / Architect
  • BI Developer / Analyst
  • Web Analyst
  • Research Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Architect
  • Machine Learning Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Financial analyst
  • Data processing specialist

The graduate is able to:

  • analyze and interpret economic data in order to make the right economic decisions
  • can acquire knowledge in many areas, in particular in the field of mathematics, computer science, statistics, economics and logical thinking skills
  • knows how to acquire, use and process data with the use of specialized tools for various purposes.

Data Engineering - Study programmes

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