1. Parteka A., Global Value Chains and Wages: International  Evidence From Linked Worker-industry Data, ETSG 2016 European Trade Study Group Conference, Helsinki, 8-10.09.2016
  2. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. Workers, firms and task heterogeneity in international trade analysis - example of wage effects of trade within GVC, XXII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Katedry Handlu Zagranicznego UEK, Kraków, 7.11.2016
  3. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. The analysis of firm involvement in international production sharing, Seventh Entrepreneurship in Modern Economy (ENTIME) Conference, Wydział Zarządzania i  Ekonomii, Politechnika Gdańska, 16-17.03.2017
  4. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. The analysis of firm involvement in international production sharing, VII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa im. Profesora Zbigniewa Czerwińskiego: Matematyka i informatyka na usługach ekonomii, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, 30-31.03.2017
  5. Parteka A. Multidimensional analysis of labor market consequences of global production networks VII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa im. Profesora Zbigniewa Czerwińskiego: Matematyka i informatyka na usługach ekonomii, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, 30-31.03.2017
  6. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. The convergence of gender wage differentials in the EU – the analysis based on micro (EU SILC) data, Modelowanie danych panelowych: teoria i praktyka, SGH, 12.05.2017
  7. Parteka A., Wolszczak-Derlacz J. Global Value Chains and Wages: International International Evidence From Linked Worker-industry Data, International Economic Association World Congress 2017, Meksyk, 19-23.06.2017
  8. Wolszczak-Derlacz. J, Wage response to global production sharing -evidence for workers from 28 European countries (2004-2014), Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM), Uniwersytet Warszawski, 4-6.07.2017
  9. Parteka A. The mechanisms of technological innovation in SMEs  - a Bayesian Network Analysis  of EU policy impact on Polish firms, Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM), Uniwersytet Warszawski, 4-6.07.2017
  10. Parteka A. Import intensity of production and wages - evidence for European workers, Technologia, globalizacja i rynki pracy na świecie, Instytut Badań Strukturalnych, Warszawa: 11.07.2017
  11. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. Global Value Chains and Wages: International International Evidence From Linked Worker-industry Data,  Seventh Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), Nowy Jork: 17-19.07.2017
  12. Parteka A. Wage response to GVC trade -evidence for Europe based on EU-SILC microdata and global import intensity measures, European Trade Study Group Conference 2017, University of Florence, European University Institute, Florencja 14-17.09.2017          
  13. Parteka A. Intensywność importowa produkcji i podział zadań a płace w Polsce - ujęcie mikroekonomiczne, Konferencja Katedry Handlu Zagranicznego UEK, Kraków, 20.11.2017
  14. Szymczak S. Production fragmentation and employment. Country-industry level analysis based on WIOD 2016, Modelowanie danych panelowych: teoria i praktyka, SGH, 18.05.2018
  15. Szymczak S. Different measures of international production fragmentation in wage analysis for CEE countries, Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM), Uniwersytet Warszawski, 3-5.07.2018
  16. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. Global value chains and labour markets: wages, employment or both, European Trade Study Group Conference 2018, Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Warszawa,13-15.08.2018
  17. Szymczak S. Alternative trade measures of global production linkages and its impact on wages: the case of CEE countries, European Trade Study Group Conference 2018, SGH, Warszawa, 13-15.08.2018
  18. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. Position in Global Value Chains and its Impact on Wages -The Case of Central and EasternEuropean Countries, IBS and the World Bank Conference: Globalization, work, and distributional tensions in Europe and Central Asia, Instytut Badań Strukturalnych, Warszawa: 16-17.01.2019
  19. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. Global value chains and labour markets, Workshop on Competetiveness WoC2019, Istanbuł: 21-22.03.2019.
  20. Szymczak, S. Heterogenous productivity response to global value chains - firm level analysis, Entrepreneurship in Modern Economy (ENTIME) Conference, Gdańsk, 11-12.04.2019
  21. Wolszczak-Derlacz, J. Firms’ reaction to Global Value Chains, Produktywność gospodarki: uwarunkowania, determinanty, perspektywy, Wrocław, 12.04.2019
  22. Nikulin D. Effects of the integration into Global Value Chains on the labour standards in Central and Eastern European countries, 10th International Conference Contemporary Issues in Economy, Toruń, 27–28.06. 2019.
  23. Nikulin D. GVC involvement and the gender wage gap. Micro - evidence for European countries, Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 2-4. 07. 2019.
  24. Szymczak S. Firms' productivity and participation in GVCs. 7th International PhD Meeting in Economics, Thessaloniki 4-5.07.2019
  25. Nikulin D. Gender wage gap and the international trade involvement. Evidence for European workers, International Conference: Removing Obstacles to Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment, Tbilisi, 15-16. 11. 2019.
  26. Szymczak S. Position in GVCs: the impact on wages in CEEC. Winter School on Inequality and Collective Welfare Theory (IT15), Alba di Canazei 13-16.01.2020
  27. Nikulin D. Inter and intra firms wage inequalities and trade integration within GVC, Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 1-2. 07. 2020.
  28. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. Working conditions in Global Value Chains. Evidence for European employees, IZA / World Bank / NJD / UNU-WIDER  Jobs and Development Conference, "Better Jobs for Development" 1 - 4.09.2020.
  29. Nikulin D. Wage determination and inequalities within Global Value Chain, 9th Polish National Conference Prof. Zbigniew Czerwiński on Mathematics and IT in the services of economics, Poznań University of Economics and Business, 29.09.2020.
  30. Wolszczak-Derlacz J. GVC and wage dispersion:  firm level evidence from employee-employer database, XIII International Scientific Conference MASEP 2020, Łódź 21-23.10.2020.
  31. Szymczak S. Social Upgrading Within GVCs. An Institutional Perspective. XIII International Scientific Conference MASEP 2020, Łódź 21-23.10.2020
  32. Wolszczak – Derlacz J., GVC and wages under different wage-settings mechanism. ETSG, Twenty-second Annual Conference, University of Ghent, 2021 (online)
  33. Wolszczak – Derlacz J., GVC and wages under different wage-setting mechanisms, Warsaw International Economic Meeting, University of Warsaw, 2021 (online)
  34. Wolszczak – Derlacz J., Global Value Chains and inward FDI: an empirical investigation of European firms, Conference on Modelling Contemporary Economies, University of Gdańsk, 2021 (online)
  35. Wolszczak – Derlacz J., Gender wage differences and GVC involvement based on Structure of Earnings Survey, 7th European User Conference for EU-Microdata (virtual), German Microdata Lab, GESIS, in cooperation with Eurostat, 2021
  36. Wolszczak – Derlacz J., GVC and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment, 3th FIW Conference International Economics, Research Centre International Economics (FIW), Austria, 2021, online
  37. Wolszczak – Derlacz J., Global Value Chains and labour markets -wages, employment or both: input-output approach, IEA World Congress, online
  38. Szymczak S. Position in GVC: the Impact on Wages in Central and Eastern European Countries, 13th FIW-Research Conference "International Economics", Vienna18-19.02.2021
  39. Szymczak S. Position in GVC: the Impact on Wages in Central and Eastern European Countries, 7th European User Conference for EU-Microdata, Mannheim 25-26.03.2021, , prezentacja.
  40. SzymczakS. Global Value Chains and Inward FDI: An Empirical Investigation of European Firms, Workers and Firms in Global Production Networks – Policy Implications, Gdańsk 27-28.05.2021.
  41. Nikulin D. Wage determination, Global Value Chains and role played by labour market institutions, 10th Polish National Conference Prof. Zbigniew Czerwiński on Mathematics and IT in the services of economics, presentation, 2021 (online)
  42. Nikulin D. Within- and between-firm wage inequalities and trade integration in GVC, ETSG, Twenty-second Annual Conference, presentation: , 2021 (online)
  43. Nikulin D. Working conditions in Europe: the role of Global Value Chains and ADP-driven technological specialization, Warsaw International Economic Meeting, presentation:, 2021 (online)
  44. Nikulin D. Multiple dimensions of job quality in the frames of Global Value Chains,11th International Conference on Applied Economics "Contemporary Issues in Economy", presentation:  2021 (online)
  45. Nikulin D. Working conditions, GVC and Technology. Evidence for European employees, International Conference Workers and Firms in Global Production Networks – Policy Implications, presentation:  online, 2021
  46. Nikulin D. Working conditions in Europe: The role of global value chains and ADP-driven technological specialization, Global Value Chains and Employment Workshop, presentation: , ETUI, 2021 (invited lecture)
  47. Nikulin D. Economic versus social effects of GVC participation – evidence from merged Structure of Earnings Survey and WIOD data, 7th European User Conference for EU-Microdata (virtual), presentation: , German Microdata Lab, GESIS, in cooperation with Eurostat, 2021
  48. Nikulin D. Working Conditions in Global Value Chains: Evidence for Euroepan Employees, 13th FIW Conference International Economics, presentation: , 2021