Parteka A. , Wolszczak-Derlacz J. , Nikulin D. (2024). How digital technology affects working conditions in globally fragmented production chains: evidence from Europe . Technological Forecasting and Social Change,198, January 2024,122998 (LINK-PDF)
Parteka, A., & Kordalska, A. (2023). Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data. Technovation, 125, 102764 (LINK-PDF)
Zarach Z.H., Parteka A. (2023). Productivity effects of trade in natural resources – comparison with mechanisms of technological specialization. The World Economy(LINK-PDF)
Szymczak, S., Parteka, A., & Wolszczak-Derlacz, J. (2023). Joint foreign ownership and global value chains effects on productivity: a comparison of firms from Poland and Germany. International Journal of Emerging Markets (LINK-PDF)
Zarach Z.H., Parteka A. (2023). Export diversification and dependence on natural resources. Economic Modelling, 126, 106436 (LINK-PDF)
Growiec J . (2023). Industry 4.0? Framing the Digital Revolution and Its Long-Run Growth Consequences. Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Growiec, J. (2022). R&D capital: An engine of growth. Economics Letters, 217, 110703 (LINK-PDF)
Growiec J., Jabłońska J., Parteka A. Hardware and Software over the Course of Long-Run Growth: Theory and Evidence (submitted). Working paper
Parteka, A., Zarach Z. Kordalska, A. Technological content of export diversification (work in progress)