Date added: 2024-03-07
Gdańsk Tech Doctoral School has become a memeber of the PRIDE Network and EUA-CDE

PRIDE Network – Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education
The association was founded in 2017 and currently has 34 organizational members and 16 individual members from 20 different countries. The Doctoral School at GUT became the first member of the organization from Poland.
EUA (European University Association) — CDE (Council for Doctoral Education)
The association was founded in 2008 and currently has 289 members from 39 different countries, including 17 from Poland.
Organizational goals
These are two different networks connecting doctoral schools, but they share many common goals. They are a source of inspiration, a place to obtain and exchange information useful or even necessary for the development of the educational process of doctoral students and professionals involved in this process, and they also promote quality in education, supervisory care and processes supporting education. Presence in these organizations facilitates the establishment of cooperation and new contacts through broadly understood networking.
The activities of both organizations include:
- exchange of experience and knowledge, creating, supporting and promoting good and proven practices, establishing professional service standards,
- helping higher education institutions understand the role and potential of employees involved in the process of doctoral education and their professionalization,
- collecting and sharing resources related to the organization of doctoral student education and promoting training opportunities that improve the competences of specialists in this area,
- supporting the professional development and advancement of university employees,
- facilitating relationships and interactions between doctoral school staff.
Membership fees were financed as part of the STER project: "The Doctoral School of the Gdańsk University of Technology closer to Europe" (PG_go_West), financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and implemented as part of the "STER - Internationalization of Doctoral Schools" Program.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year