In a world dominated by data, possessing strong statistical and analytical skills can provide graduates with a significant advantage in the job market. Employers are looking for candidates who can not only collect and interpret data but also transform it into practical problem-solving. The ability to think critically, analyze data, and creatively solve problems is becoming increasingly valuable in today's economy. By investing in the development of these skills, students can prepare themselves for a dynamic and ever-changing job market.

The faculty members of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics (KSiE) teach the following subjects at the undergraduate level:

  • Basics of Statistics
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Visualization of Economic Data
  • Econometrics
  • Basics of Economic Forecasting
  • Economic Forecasting
  • Contemporary Labor Markets

Subjects taught in the Market Analyst specialization include:

  • Analysis and Pricing in a Business
  • Labor Market Analysis

At the graduate level, the Department of Statistics and Econometrics (KSiE) offers courses in:

  • Social Statistics
  • Insurance Statistics
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Non-Classical Statistical Methods
  • Data Analysis
  • Time Series Modeling
  • Spatial Econometrics
  • Application of Econometric Methods in Management and Economics
  • Microeconometrics
  • Forecasting and Simulations
  • Demography
  • Capital Market Models
  • Evaluation of Investment Projects

Subjects taught in the Data Analyst specialization include:

  • Multidimensional Data Analysis
  • Data Analysis with R and Python
  • Advanced Forecasting Methods
  • Big Data