The creation of the PRME report was an opportunity for us to reflect on what Sustainable Development Goals we support, according to our competences, priorities and the practices we implement. Our activities primarily include:

We incorporate goal 4 – the quality of education – by:

  • Teaching activities targeted at our students, school pupils, and other stakeholders interested in lifelong learning.
  • Caring for the quality of the curricula and the constant development of our teaching skills and by incorporating business stakeholders in our curricula.
  • Promoting the idea of CSR and sustainability among our stakeholders.
  • Sharing the results of our research and best practices in our wider stakeholder circle.

We incorporate goal 8 – good jobs and economic growth – by:

  • Developing responsibility among the leaders of next generations.
  • Caring for the organizational culture and the well-being of our employees at every organizational level.
  • Caring for the development of employees and supporting them at every stage of their professional and scientific carriers.
  • Improving our organization, its performance and achievements in every area of its activity.

We incorporate goal 9 – innovation and infrastructure – by:

  • Disseminating the knowledge to our business community and preparing our students to start new ventures.
  • Conducting research on important topics, which help us deepen our understanding of contemporary dilemmas regarding economy and management practices.
  • Providing new managerial tools or innovative strategies to our business partners, and recommendations for improving our economic system.
  • Improving our research and teaching tools as well as facilities.

We incorporate goal 11 – sustainable cities and communities – by:

  • Conducting research on smart cities, senior policies, entrepreneurial trends, and many other relevant issues.
  • Building partnerships with local authorities and networking with local NGOs and companies.
  • Looking for synergies with our counterparts within the Fahrenheit  Union of Univeristies (Gdańsk).
  • Cooperating with stakeholders, including kindergartens and primary schools, for the sustainability awareness dissemination.

We incorporate goal 12 – responsible consumption – by:

  • Giving an example of being aware of misuse of resources, energy-saving, and recycling.
  • Incorporating the topic of responsible consumption in our curricula.
  • Introducing the electronic document circulation in all departments of the faculty.
  • Looking for the responsible energy consumption systems and optimizing heating in the faculty building.

However, we believe that together with our stakeholders we can do more, so we are open to any suggestions on what activities we can do together, as well as which objectives we should support in the future. We encourage you to submit initiatives by writing to: