Recruitment for students under the Erasmus+ is carried out by the International FME Office in the academic year preceding the planned stay (ex. in the academic year 2019/20 for 2020/21)

  • The recruitment process takes place between the months of February / March / April.
  • Information about the planned recruitment appears on this website and in other important information forums.
  • Recruitment is carried out primarily on the basis of the application platform in my PG (mojapg) and then by the International FME Office. You should also take into account other requirements no only for our Faculty but from the International office for the main University (IRO).

In the case of very "popular" destinations, individual interviews will be carried out by the recruitment committee. The criteria for assessing candidates include grades average, academic and social activities (ex. the scientific circle, the organization of events), foreign languages (not necessarily confirmed by certificates in some cases).

In exceptional cases, after consultation with the International FME Office, there is a possibility of concluding a new partnership agreement with an equivalent university abroad. Students, who will contribute to the signature of such an agreement are entitled "priority departure."