Rok 2023/2024


Planned date



26.10.2023 (czwartek)(online - Teams), godz. 13.00

26.10.2023 (Thursday), 13.00

(online – Teams)

Aleksandra Ufniarz / "Macroeconomic determinants of labor productivity in selected European economies. Models and schemes (online)

16.11.2023, godz. 13.00
(online – Teams)

16.11.2023 (Thursday), 13.00

(online – Teams)

Jackson Arroyave / Evaluation of long-term trajectories for Colombian businesses based on statistical models of firm’s bankruptcy prediction. (online - English)

Styczeń 2024

January 2024

Jarosław Ziętarski / The use of AI actors in education.

Marzec 2024

March 2024

Piotr Kasprzak / Energy security in Poland - research results

Kwiecień 2024

April 2024

Błażej Prusak, Muhammad Mushafiq / Colour symbolism in Finance

Maj 2024

Mai 2024

Ewelina Sokołowska / Challenges of digital finance

Czerwiec 2024

June 2024

Marcin Potrykus / Detection and analysis of the duration of price bubbles in selected alternative investment markets