Cybersecurity standards for the electricity sector

To effectively defend the electricity sector from cyberthreats, it is advised to apply standardised measures and methods in the first place. 

Systematic studies based on the Webster's and Watson's method have been conducted to identify standards:

  • dedicated to cybersecurity aspects of smart grids,
  • specifying cybersecurity controls for smart grids,
  • defining cybersecurity requirements for smart grids,
  • describing security assessments in smart grids.

The results of the studies have been published in the following papers:

  • Leszczyna, R.: Cybersecurity and privacy in standards for smart grids - A comprehensive survey. Computer Standards and Interfaces 56(April 2017), 62–73 (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.csi.2017.09.005. URL:
  • Leszczyna, R.: A Review of Standards with Cybersecurity Requirements for Smart Grid. Computers & Security (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2018.03.011. URL:
  • Leszczyna, R.: Standards on Cyber Security Assessment of Smart Grid. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (2018). DOI:
  • Leszczyna, R.: Standards with Cybersecurity Controls for Smart Grid – a Systematic Analysis. International Journal of Communication Systems (2018). DOI:

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