Within two weeks from the date of the end of your trip, you must settle your account with the Department of International Cooperation (DWM) and your department (if your department requires such settlement - information in this regard is provided by Erasmus+ departmental coordinators). Below you will find a list of things you need to do as part of the settlement. Failure to fulfill any of the following points may result in the need to return part or all of the scholarship.

Settlement of the trip - what do you need to do?

1. send to DWM "Confirmation of stay" on the template of PG or foreign university and "Study process card" (list of grades) earned at the foreign university
2. fill out an online language test - you will receive a link in the mail in the middle of the month in which the trip ends
3. fill out an online questionnaire-report of the Erasmus+ scholarship holder - you will receive the link in an e-mail on the day/day after the end of the stay
4. provide the dean's office with the documents required by the department (if required)

Settlement of the trip in a situation where the trip was shorter than planned

If the confirmed period of stay is shorter than that indicated in the grant agreement, the financial settlement is as follows:

1. if the difference between the confirmed period of stay and that indicated in the grant agreement is greater than 5 days, the start and end date indicated in the confirmation of stay will be taken into account when settling the stay (and thus the amount of the grant will be recalculated again; you have to reckon with the need to return part of the grant or that the last tranche of the grant will be smaller). 

2. if the difference between the confirmed period and the one indicated in the grant agreement is 5 days or less, you will be credited with the period of stay indicated in the grant agreement (then the amount of the scholarship does not change; you will not have to return anything).